Friday, September 30, 2011

I Love You

Matthew has become very good at signing. Even though he is increasing his verbal vocabulary all the time, we continue to teach him signs for various words and phrases. Mostly because it is just so darn cute to watch him sign with his little hands  So our most recent sign we have been working on is the sign for "I love you". There are two ways to sign this. You can sign each word individually or you can put it all together in one sign by folding down your ring and middle finger with your palm facing out, which is what we do.  This requires a bit of dexterity and is hard for a little person who is still developing those fine motor skills and so the best Matthew can do is fold down his index finger. Being a new sign, we usually sign it first and then he copies us. It has become part of our bedtime routine with him and not so much part of our other daily activities.

So the other day, I left Rachel on a blanket on the floor to kick and wiggle while Matthew played around her.  I went into the kitchen for just a moment and when I came back, Matthew was quietly sitting on the blanket beside her, folding down his index finger in his version of the I love you sign.  It was really the sweetest thing to see.

Of course, I couldn't get him to repeat it for me so I could take a picture, so these ones will have to do so you can see that he loves his little sister.

"Hi Rachel!"

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