Thursday, December 31, 2009


Babies have snotty noses. Who knew?

Matthew has been having some issues with his snotty nose these past few nights. He has been making ridiculous noises and getting a bit fussy what with the trouble breathing and all. Apparently this is fine and normal and there is nothing we can do. At this age the little ones are "obligate nose breathers" meaning that they can't breath through their mouths (see what you learn when you read the manual). So if there is gunk all up in there, it gets noisy (really noisy). We have become experts at the nasal aspirator, steam therapy, and appropriate angles of bedding to maximize nasal drainage. A whole new world of bodily fluids is opening up to us. By far the best advice we have read/received – from many sources -  is to just shut the door and turn down the monitor. Easier said that done. We have both spend hours sitting on a stool in the dark beside the crib watching baby snerk and snort the night away.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

One Month

The one month shot is the most important - assuming that one plans to continue this month-after-month for the foreseeable future. The spot is critical. It must be stable (in that it will be there for a while so the picture is consistent - not so much relating to the structural integrity) and it must be big enough to have him grow into it (ie, not a bag like what joey favours). It also must allow for appropriate size differentiation from month to month. Anyway this is what we picked - the chair. We have pictures with him and one of his myriad of stuffed beings. We hope this works (oh the pressure!)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dramatic Debut

We may have set the little guy up for a life of failure. In his first ever dramatic performance - a the tender age of 28 day old - he has played the role of a lifetime: Baby Jesus. How does one top that? Where does one go after playing the son of God! Oh well, at least he was brilliant in his role. And aside from the slightly unplanned interaction with the communion table, all was alright. Marissa (Mary) was taking Matthew up on stage and there was the gentlest of bonks on the table. Kristine and I didn't notice, but all the other parents did and there was this collective gasp and a swivel of heads to look back at us. We were all like "what? Is it wrong that our baby is playing Jesus or something?" Matthew didn't really care, but in the reprise performance we ensured that there weren't many table about.