Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Election Night!

Next to Christmas, this is the most exciting night of the year - even if it was "just" a civic election. We did our duty and participated in the democratic process, and Matthew was there in fine form. We of course met up with Bill and Mary, as we always do on elections. Kristine puts up with this mostly, but I just love election night, and I hope Matthew will love it too. the outcome wasn't as favourable as I would have liked, but this too shall pass.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

11 Months

Already?! Wow.
caught mid exuberant outburst

"Matthew would accomplish more if he could maintain his focus"

11 Months.
Not sure about the hair...

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Not necessarily for an extended period of time, and if there is any kind of breeze at all, like a fan, or a sneeze, he may topple over, but he is definitely standing on his own. He has even added to this amazing feat, the clapping together of various plastic implements. Walking is coming too. So far it is mostly just delayed falling, but he has the concept, and if you hold his hands he'll truck all over the place.