Saturday, November 27, 2010

Party of One

Matthew's first party was a great success. Not sure how one exactly judges success in this context, particularly given that Matthew will have exactly zero recognition of the event. However there was cake and singing and presents and friends and fun. So definitely all good. A special thank you to Auntie Tricia who made the cakes!

You know, it is funny introducing these rites of passage. It makes you kind step back and think about it. Celebrating birthdays is, in and of itself, not that weird an idea, but the fact that we all do it the same is fascinating. We all sing the same song, we have the cake and the candle, and presents. It is such an established protocol, and yet, all brand new for Matthew. And kinda brand new for us, since we get participate now in a different role. Fun.

Singing the song.

Daddy helping blow out the candle.
Matthew generally unconvinced about the whole process.

Cake. A hit.

Birthday Message from Zoom!

Our little one is 1, and what better way to celebrate than with a message from Zoom! Here is a blast from my past. Dave and I both had personalized messages from Zoom for our birthdays. Of course in our day they were on records - floppy plastic records if I recall - but the song is the same.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A New Perspective

I don't really what to say about this new behaviour. He figured out how to do it all by himself and realized that he liked looking at the world upside down. So he kept doing it. It makes us laugh and so we will keep encouraging him...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Communications....sort of

Matthew has learned the sign for Milk! ...or perhaps liquid in general...or good-bye... perhaps it is contextual. Anyway he is definitely sort of communicating. At least we are responding as if he is communicating. At the table he asks for milk fairly consistently. He seems satisfied by water as well, and he has begun using the sign at bed time just before Kristine starts nursing him. Of course he uses the similar sign for good-bye, but there is a noted difference is the angle and positioning of the wrist, which is clearly intentional and obviously meant to distinguish the two signs....clearly.