Sunday, January 24, 2010

Side Benefits

We went to the forks Sunday and for the first time ever got to park in one of these awesome little "parents with kids" spots. They are totally great. Not only is it a fun little perk of the job, but also it is super handy given all the gear we need to schlep.


Beer and Popcorn

K got her first "Beer and Popcorn" cheque today. $100 bucks to help with childcare. Part of the government's strategy for universal child care. We bought pizza and stayed home with Matthew for the evening. Guess that is child care.

Friday, January 8, 2010

By The Numbers

Matthew is a real person today... in the eyes of the government anyway. We have successfully registered him for his social insurance number. Welcome to the duties of citizenship my little one.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

and now we are six

Six weeks. The usual applies: “it feels like we have had him forever" and "where did the time go already". There is lots of that kind of stuff going on. And apparently 6 is a fussiness peak – which we are certainly experiencing. For example. For the last the last 3 nights he has gone to bed at 10, woken up at 3 and then again at 7. That kid is rough. Ok last height he actually did wake up like 3 of 4 times, but still, we have actually hand a semi-normal nights. Normal being the old normal, not the new normal, which frankly is not normal at all yet.

And he as officially outgrown an article of clothing. Unfortunately it is one of our favourites. The polka dot sleeper that Grandpa Gerhard picked out and that we brought him home from the hospital has officially be relegated to “keepsake”. Sigh.