Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Smile is Worth a Thousand Memories

Take a good look at that face.

Those cute little blue eyes.

Those pudgy little cheeks.

That adorable toothless grin.

Well, the others you will see again, but that toothless grin is about to disappear. Two little teeth started coming in yesterday on the bottom. They are very small still, and hardly visible, but they are there and they are very pointy. And so far, other than a bit more drool, there aren't any of the more annoying side effects of teeth. His cheeks aren't red, there is no diaper rash and he doesn't seem to be in a perpetual grouchy mood. He's the same happy, smiley, sociable little guy he always is. There is still time for that to change, but we are enjoying it while it lasts. So take another look at that cute little toothless face. More change is coming.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


We finally found a day when the whole family was available to spend the day together. "How hard is this?" you might ask. "There are only three of you and the little one is not even capable of making his own plans, especially if they are different than Mom's!" Well, apparently it is harder than you might think, what, with work, MBA's, post bac's, holidays, church, weddings, Folk Fest, etc.

So anyway, we found a day. And we decided to go for a bike ride. After acquiring the bike attachment for the chariot and getting all set up, we headed out for Assiniboine Park.

We had a lovely day. I haven't been on a bike for two years, since I was pregnant for all of last summer and Matthew had never been out for a bike ride. Adam goes all the time with the guys, so it was nice to be able do this together. Of course, there were no monkey trails involved. A pre-bike ride snuggle with Dad.

So, we biked through the park and over to a house in Tuxedo that were were looking at, got rained on and then biked back through the park and over the bridge for ice cream. Matthew loved his chariot. He was snug as a bug in there and when it rained, he was cozy and dry. He was so comfy that he fell asleep.

Riding along

Biking is hard work. Must make sure you stay hydrated

Really, it was very lovely day. Looking forward to another one. Maybe we'll find another day next year...