Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vocab update

Language is coming along pretty well now, so these updates may start coming more regularly. Matthew is certainly in the language learning mode.

"No" - classic, remarkably unhelpful because he uses it all the time, but also really really cute. It is never said in a mad way, always is a really soft kind of matter-of-fact way. He uses it regularly when he is doing something that he is not supposed to - often just before he does it. This is by far his favourite word right now. Excellent.

"yesh" - this is a fairly recent. When he starts into his repeated "no no no no" we start trying to get him to say "yes" - which he has now become pretty good at. He doesn't actually use it ever, and sometimes when we say yes, he says no, like-a so:

Matthew: "no"
Parent: "yes"
Matthew: "no"
Parent: "yes"
Matthew: "no"
Parent: "yes"
Matthew: "no"
Parent: "yes"

A precursor of what is to come perhaps? It doesn mean that he understnds there is an association between yes and no, I guess he hasn't quite figured out any reason he would want to respond to something in the affirmative.

"Please" - this is a new sign language one. 'Please' is basically like rubbing a circle on your chest with the palm of your hand. Matthew's adaptation is to sort of 'sweep' his chest with his hand a few times. He hasn't self initiated this yet, but when he signs for more and we say "more please?" he will sign please. Today he even put them together. He also put more and "nana" together today as well. Sentences!

"ann dee" - for auntie. This one is just coming, but it is there and he associates it with Luanne and pictures of Luanne pretty exclusively, although not super consistently.

"der dee" for dirty. We have used 'dirty' to explain (as much as you can explain something to a 17 month old) why he shouldn't be touching things. As in "don't touch that Matthew, it is dirty". This includes things like the potty, garbage, the toilet, the plunger and things like that. He also doesn't like his hands to be dirty, and used to use "uh oh" if he got them mucky. He now associated "der dee" for all those.

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