Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Matthew's Sign Language Dictionary

This winter, Matthew and I took a baby sign language course with Karen from WeeHands. We've been signing a bunch of words at home with him, but as of yet, he is only signing back a few. These are some of the signs in Matthew's repertoire. I think he understands several others, but he just doesn't feel the need to use them himself...yet.

"wash your hands":


This sign has morphed a little bit. It used to be just for hot things, but now he uses it to tell us that something is hot, the light is bright, that there is danger nearby or just a general temperature variance.

"All Done!"

He has a few other signs too like "bye-bye" (as most kids do) and "milk" which is used for milk, water, the fact that he is thirsty or that someone else is thirsty and is taking a drink. This is a tricky one to catch in a picture though, so we'll keep working on that one. You can click here to see him do it a few months ago. It was his first sign.

Oh, and he blows kisses:


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