Matthew's language has continued to explode. It seems that every day he picks up another new word. It is getting difficult to keep track of how many words he has in his vocabulary. Not all of his words sound like the actual word, but he uses them consistently for the object he is talking about and we know what he is saying. Here is an update what he is saying these days.
Matthew has started to name his people, but had so far only accomplished naming us, Auntie Luanne (ann-dee) and his cats (doey). When we were at the lake at the end of June, the grandparents (all of them) started thinking that this was something that should change. So they began working on it. Uncle Derek, however, was successful first during a 'babysitting opportunity' (as we like to call them) and now Matthew has a name for him.
"uhn-go" - uncle
"mama" - Grandma/Grandpa. He has some trouble articulating the difference between the m and p sounds so they have only one name at the moment.
"nuh-nuh" - thunder. He picked this one up during a thunderstorm at the lake. He hasn't used it much since, but then we haven't had any thunder.
"bah" - ball.
"coo-gie" - for cookie. Along with this word, he knows where they are stored as well.
"cah-ker" - for cracker. These are kept right beside the cookies and both of them are very exciting. Whenever he gets one, he shows it to everyone he can and exclaims over and over "cah-ker!", cah-ker!"
"ap-oh" - for apple. He loves these at the moment.
"tae-toe" - for potato. He learned this word because he was confusing them with apples. They do look very similar.
"keeto" - for mosquito. He saw me swat at a mosquito with my hands and picked that one up right away. Of course, it is usually accompanied by a hand clap as if he was swatting at one too.
"moo" - for moon. Usually this refers to his most favourite book
Goodnight Moon, but he identifies moons that he sees in any book.
"poo-pee" - for, well, you can figure it out. He has, on a few of occasions, even accurately used it to let us know that he was, in fact, poopy and needed a change. Getting ready for some potty training...
"yuck-ee" - yup, yucky.
"gickie" - sticky. His hands are usually gickie when he eats.
"gee" - for stick. There are many, many of these to be found outside and he inspects them all.
"toe" - for stone. Also many of these and a remarkable number of them end up in his hands.
"wee-wee" - windy. He learned this one at the lake too on a windy day. It is also 'wee-wee' in front of the 'wah'.
"wah" - for fan. There are many fans in the world (who knew?) and he sees them all. We hear this word a lot. They are so important to him that they even get a special 'good night' along with the cats. "bye-bye Doey, bye-bye wah."
"bye-bye" - used for both bye-bye and good night. Just depends on context.
"hi" - hi.
And finally, the vehicles. He loves anything with wheels.
"dah-do" - for tractor.
"kah" - for car.
"bee-ba" - for school bus, but actually it can refer to any bus.
"bow" - for boat.
"bi-ee" - for bike.
and strangely, for we don't know how or why he knows this one...
"ummer" - for hummer.
This little video will showcase a good many of his words for you. He is enjoying reading his
First 100 Machines book with Daddy, which he usually does at the end of the day when Daddy gets home from work. You will also see "airplane" in sign language. He uses quite a bit of sign language too, but we'll save that for another blog.